Call of duty hitmarker
Call of duty hitmarker

call of duty hitmarker

It happens more often than it doesn’t in the gulag, but it crops up every now and then out in Verdansk. The strangest and most prevalent bug currently in Warzone is the lack of hitmarkers in some situations. That one was quickly fixed, but others are still awaiting a solution. It made it impossible to change character or equip any cosmetic items that you might have bought. The first one saw the game fully crash for some console players when accessing the Operators tab in the game. The update added another fix for the infinite stim glitch, to hopefully leave it in the past, and solved the reloading issues for Cold War weapons, all while adding a whole host of other issues in their place. Since last week’s Update 1.13, Call of Duty’s battle royale has been plagued with bugs to a larger degree than ever before. With people getting stuck in the ground when claiming loadouts, infinite stim glitches returning a few times, the ability to duplicate Juggernauts, and more, there’s often something that frustrates before being fixed. Warzone has never been the most stable of games.

Call of duty hitmarker